BootsnAll Travel Network

A Day in Kathmandu


Our day began with a meeting with Pramila Parajuli, who is arranging our homestay and volunteering at Ajamvari Farm.  Ajamvari means eternal in Nepali, so alas we are working on the eternal farm.

We now have our dates cemented, we leave tomorrow morning (Saturday) and shall stay at least a week, milking cows, plowing fields etc.  We sat in her office and chatted with her for about an hour, and one of her friends came in and gave us a description of the farm.  He said, “I think you will have a wonderful good time on the farm.  It is so beautiful there, everything is so green.  The mountains are green, the fields and grasses are green.  Even man and woman is green!”

In about an hour we have another meeting with Pramila, this time so she can give us a tour of the school she works at in Kathmandu.  Exciting!

On the taxi ride back from the stupa, Ian and I were involved in our first car accident while abroad.  Taking a right hand turn into traffic, a motorcyclist did not see us coming and slammed into the side of the car, shattering the side mirror and denting the drivers door.  As it was his fault, he sped away as fast as he could, and our taxi driver sped after him.  We were briefly involved in a high speed chase.  The motorcyclist took a quick turn down a dirt road and was out of sight, leaving our poor taxi driver to deal with the damage to his car.  Needless to say we paid him more than the agreed fare.  An eventful day,  more to come!


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