BootsnAll Travel Network

Touching History

While Stephanie & Jordan opted for a restful day closer to Bangkok yesterday, David & Luke headed off to Ayutthaya. The kingdom of Ayutthaya was a Thai kingdom that existed from 1351 to 1767 until it was sacked by the Burmese.

 Throughout the day (after a 2.5hr ‘Ordinary’ train trip) we moved from one world heritage site to another with the help of a tuk tuk driver as our guide and were able to move around and walk among sites that were more than 700 years old, something generally impossible to do in Australia.

 There was something amazing about walking up the (very steep) steps to the former Grand Palace or touching the dozens of Khmer budda and Bodhisvata staues and walking through arched walkways that previously were walked by the King of the East.

Herer are a few photo’s:

The long steps to glory

Khmer Temple

Looking out on history

 We covered 6 ancient sites in just a few hours before returning to the train station for our journey home. An amazing days experience.

All that remains of the old city are some impressive ruins of the royal palace. King Taksin established a capital at Thonburi, across the Chao Phraya from the present capital, Bangkok. The city of Ayutthaya was refounded near the old city, and is now capital of the Ayutthaya province.

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