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A lighting period

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

. . . . . . . 14.     A lighting period

                      Working during the End of Year is quite an enriching and unique experience.
                      Meeting and greeting a considerable number of people but also a very time – consuming period
                       at the shopping activity corner and delivering the goods in a timely record
                      Working at odd hours and doing the over night uncontrolled by a crowd within a festive
                      It was more or less a unique occasion to make extra extra money. Any Bonuses ahead  ? ! ?

           post these blogs on  

 . . . . .         The use of real friends. It is of a great interest  to have an objective idea about what real friends are for.

                   The main concern of about how to understand your friends is to know to which extent you can trust your friends.

                   This is particularly true particularly when it comes to know the kind of conservation you have with your friends

                   and how he gets involved within. Sometimes, you do not know exactly about what he is thinking about  . . .

                   Friends  . . .


Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

. . . . . . .   12.  To what i have deduced, the Chinese Community in Mauritius has a  bad reputation.  . . . .
                     So much conflicts in between themselves . TROP DE GRANDEUR Et TROP DE GRANDNOIR
                     I mean That they are not enough ” solidaire ” in between themselves.

                     Well , we cannot change people . They know you like very well and at the end, they try to take
                     advantage over you.

                     At last, what could you do  . . . .

                     Any good explanation  ? . . .

Any good place around 2

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010
. . . . . . .  11.   Men , i got invited the other day at LAMBIC. Stunning place  . . . .                       Good atmosphere                       I even got the chance to have an overview  In the shop  . . ... [Continue reading this entry]

Any good place around 1

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010
. . . . . . .     9.   Any good place around . Ruisseau Creole, Watching surf spot at Tamarin . . . Zanzibar, THe sHots, GEronimo,                                                                                               Les Copains d'abord,  Kimchi Resto, Domaine de l'Etoile, Beau Rivage,  . . .well . ... [Continue reading this entry]

Friends 1

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

 . . . . . .    7.  Real friends . . .  True friends or not

                     You can know a lot of people . . .  but who are exactly you're real friends ?

                     Someone told me to test on ... [Continue reading this entry]

A personal point of view 3

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010
. . . . . .     4.   Applying for a job proposal. Looking for a job is simply not easy. I mean a job that really suits you and that is what you are looking for.                       In other words getting ... [Continue reading this entry]

A personal point of view 2

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010
. . . . .    2.  Dec 2008                                           Another thing again concern the kinds of relationship you have with your friends. Certainly, being in relationship with a gal or lad means in other words that you cannot go out                       with ... [Continue reading this entry]

A personal point of view 1

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010
. . . .  1.    dec 2008                  Facebook   It's quite surprising to see that some people  have  about 300 friends. Some even have   500 or even 1000 friends.                             But at the end of the day, I would like to know  ... [Continue reading this entry]

Hello World

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010
Hello world  !