BootsnAll Travel Network

Vietnam Update

Hello Everyone,
My name is Tom. Remember me? I know I haven’t written in quite some time and I apologize. Really, not much has been going on here and there hasn’t been much to report. The internet here seems incredibly slow and very inconsistent. Half the time I can’t get on Yahoo and the other half I can get on Yahoo but I can’t get to my mail. I get very frustrated and finally give up. Thus no outgoing mail. I’ve decided to write this and save as a draft before trying to mail in case it won’tgo through, which is a good possibility.
OK, and here’s the news. I have told the school I will not stay in Hanoi for a full year and requested a parttime schedule. Also requested that I have no Saturday or Sunday classes. That’s OK as well. So life is getting better, or, at least, I will have a life. This new schedule will start after the Tet Holiday (the New Year). Of course I don’t know how many hours I will have. Hopefully, enough to live on. If not, you people in The States keep paying taxes so I can draw my Social Security.
The first day of the “New Year” is Feb. 17th. It’s the biggest holiday of the year here. School will be closed from Feb. 11th to 21st. So I’m going to Thailand for ten days. Bangkok, Chiang Mai (an old city in the north) and Phuket (a beach resort in the south). I must find the sun!!!!! I haven’t actually seen blue sky and sunshine since October. Hanoi is perpetually overcast. I truly believe that the absence of sunshine has contributed to my lack of energy, the cold I’ve toyed with for about six weeks and the doldrums I’ve been in. Surely a trip to a sunny beach will make things better. I’ll send pictures when I get back. (another project that this internet makes difficult.
Must run and prepare for a class.
Will try to send this now. Wish me luck.
Love to all,

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