Song of the Month: March
March 1st was Fasching Samstag, or Carnivale Saturday. I’ve written before about this celebration, so I won’t repeat about the costumes and the craziness that goes on that day. Instead, I’ll pick my March song of the month from one that we heard that day.
Song: Viva Colonia! by De Hoehner
Why: This song can be heard at Fasching, Kirchtag, and other festivals. It’s about Cologne (Koeln), another place where they have a huge carnivale celebration so I thought it would be doubly appropriate for this month. It’s very catchy and very upbeat, so you can see why people start to sing (and dance) whenever it’s played. We’ve even heard it during Oktoberfest, but of course they sing “Viva Bavaria!” instead.
I like the sentiment of the lyrics too… (note this is in a dialect so yes, there are some weird spellings)
Da simmer dabei! Dat is prima! VIVA COLONIA!
Wir lieben das Leben, die Liebe und die Lust.
Wir glauben an den lieben Gott und habn immer Durst.
In English (my translation is bit rough, but you get the idea.)
We are in (Count us in). It’s great. Viva Colonia!
We love the life, the love, and the desire.
We believe in dear God and and are always thirsty (i.e. ready for a drink!).
Here’s the 4 musketeers. Viva Villach!
March 29th, 2014 at 2:10 pm
Rrrrrrrrrrrrh, where’s the Rum?