BootsnAll Travel Network

What's this all about?

We took off for a year (which turned into 15 months) to travel the world. This blog was started as a place to keep family and friends updated on our plans and where we were. Now, we are moving to Europe, so the blog will be about our new experiences, travels, and life as expats for the first time!

Heading Home

February 3rd, 2010

The last week has been a re-adjustment to being back in the US.  We spent our time in Arizona visiting both of our families and chowing down on some good Mexican food, burgers, and a belated Thanksgiving turkey dinner.

We also spent quite a bit of time setting things up to move back into our house in California.  We rented it out while we were traveling, but there are still lots of utilities and accounts that need to be reinitiated before we get there. 

It wasn’t all “work” this week though.  We managed to find some time to visit the Desert Museum and my parents’ jacuzzi, as well as climb Picacho Peak.  We are really sad to hear that this wonderful trail will be closing in June due to budget cuts.  If you are in southern Arizona between now and then, give it a try.  It’s got a few tricky parts (bring gloves for the cables), but the view from the top is stunning. 

This trail also got us thinking about how it compares to some of the things we’ve seen in the last year.  It’s a great hike, but we started to discount it because it’s “in our backyard.”  I realized we need to judge places based on how our experience really is, and not just on whether it’s in an exotic location.  Interesting museums, trails, views, people, and food might turn up anywhere, so any travel, even a day trip in your own state, has the potential to be memorable.  Get out there.

Next week it’s back to our home state – California, here we come! 


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Game Over

January 18th, 2010

It’s with mixed feelings that I write this post.  I knew this day was coming for a long time, but it’s different when it’s actually here.  We are en route back to the USA.  It’s been 15 months on the road, but I can’t believe how fast it has gone by.  I don’t think we’ve really had time to absorb and process everything that we’ve seen and done.  While I’m looking forward to getting some good old American food (tell In-n-Out Burger that we’re on the way), I think it will also be good to have some time to reflect.

We had one final surprise on the first leg of the long trip back.  JAL might be going bankrupt, but they get good marks from me.  They upgraded our tickets and I got Seat Number 1.  Sweet…. 

We’ll keep blogging for a while even after we get home, so please keep reading.


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One (or Two) Night in Bangkok

January 18th, 2010

We finished up our time lounging on the beaches in Krabi and flew back to Bangkok for 2 final nights.  Everyone has an opinion about Bangkok, but it’s hard to describe and it can be whatever you want to make it.  Yes, it has a seedy side, but there are also peaceful temples, high-end malls, and crazy markets.  You don’t have to search very hard to find whatever it is you are looking for.  We spent our time picking up those last minute buys at the night bazaar and negotiating with unscrupulous taxi drivers.  Next stop: USA!

Here’s the menu for the “restaurant” on one of the islands near Krabi.  Meals on wheels it’s not, but maybe Thai by tide?


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Sunset on our travels

January 12th, 2010

We left the north and its hot, spicy Khao Soi noodles behind to head for the just plain hot weather in Krabi.  We’re spending our last days of travel hanging out by pool, snorkeling, and just being tourists . It’s a little weird after more than a year to be in “vacation” mode.  Since I don’t have to worry about dragging around a huge, heavy bag much longer I can actually shop and pick up a few souvenirs.  Things here are pretty inexpensive so it’s nice to be able to “splurge” on organized tours occasionally, or go out for sunset drinks.  Here’s the view of the long tails moored up for the night:


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Tastes like chicken

January 7th, 2010

The week in Chiang Mai is flying by, but in between afternoon massages, happy hour drinks, and great curry dinners, we’ve come up with our list of most memorable days from the last year.  Here’s our list of the experiences that made us say “wow” and kept us talking about them.Top 10 Most Memorable Moments– Pyramids in Giza and/or Temples in Luxor, Egypt – hard to pick one over the other, so we’ll cheat and say both

– Tongariro Crossing, New Zealand

– Cable car to Aguile du Midi to see Mt. Blanc and then hike back down to Chamonix, France

Ride from Delhi to Agra, India – it took 7 hours to go 180 km and it was truly something that can’t be duplicated

– NYE Fireworks in Sydney, Australia

– Kayaking to a hotel and then hiking back the next day in Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand

– Walk along the cliffs from Firostefani to Oia on Santorini, Greece

– Cycling through the vineyards in Beaune (Burgundy), France

– Gaudi sightseeing and then watching the Tour de France pass through Barcelona, Spain

– Cruising the backwaters of Kerala on a houseboat, India

– Climbing to the top of Skellig Michael, Ireland

You can never tell what will make a day special or how something will turn out, so we’ve found it’s best not to have any expectations and just be surprised when it happens.

We’re still hoping for a few more good moments before we end our trip.  In the meantime, we got to try something new yesterday.  We took another cooking class and during the market visit someone was buying a durian fruit and offered us a taste.  Many hotels in the area have a “no durian” sign – a picture of the fruit with a line through it.  The reason for the ban is the smell it gives off, which is hard to describe – something sour, stagnant, or rotting.  It’s pretty awful, but we held our breath and gave it a try.  The taste is very strange, but not what I expected and not bad.  Here’s the foul fruit at the market:


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