Heading Home
February 3rd, 2010The last week has been a re-adjustment to being back in the US. We spent our time in Arizona visiting both of our families and chowing down on some good Mexican food, burgers, and a belated Thanksgiving turkey dinner.
We also spent quite a bit of time setting things up to move back into our house in California. We rented it out while we were traveling, but there are still lots of utilities and accounts that need to be reinitiated before we get there.
It wasn’t all “work” this week though. We managed to find some time to visit the Desert Museum and my parents’ jacuzzi, as well as climb Picacho Peak. We are really sad to hear that this wonderful trail will be closing in June due to budget cuts. If you are in southern Arizona between now and then, give it a try. It’s got a few tricky parts (bring gloves for the cables), but the view from the top is stunning.
This trail also got us thinking about how it compares to some of the things we’ve seen in the last year. It’s a great hike, but we started to discount it because it’s “in our backyard.” I realized we need to judge places based on how our experience really is, and not just on whether it’s in an exotic location. Interesting museums, trails, views, people, and food might turn up anywhere, so any travel, even a day trip in your own state, has the potential to be memorable. Get out there.
Next week it’s back to our home state – California, here we come!