Game Over
It’s with mixed feelings that I write this post. I knew this day was coming for a long time, but it’s different when it’s actually here. We are en route back to the USA. It’s been 15 months on the road, but I can’t believe how fast it has gone by. I don’t think we’ve really had time to absorb and process everything that we’ve seen and done. While I’m looking forward to getting some good old American food (tell In-n-Out Burger that we’re on the way), I think it will also be good to have some time to reflect.
We had one final surprise on the first leg of the long trip back. JAL might be going bankrupt, but they get good marks from me. They upgraded our tickets and I got Seat Number 1. Sweet….
We’ll keep blogging for a while even after we get home, so please keep reading.
January 19th, 2010 at 3:14 am
Your experience on JAL is ours as well. Years ago, after some significant transfer trouble, JAL upgraded our tix to business lounge (upper deck). Lovely way to fly back to Anchorage at the end of our travels.
We wish you the best in your reintegration to what was once was and is now your home country. Life will not be the same (as it should be).