Days of Wine and… Soup
When we moved back into the house after our travels, the one thing that wasn’t in working condition was the wine fridge. Apparently the renter had turned it off and let it sit for a year. It didn’t come back to life when we fired it up. After some tinkering and a new part ordered from the internet, Eric got it back in order and chilling to a perfect 58 degrees.
We found a new wine shop that opened while we were gone and made a few purchases, but we tend to drink them as fast as we buy them. The racks in the fridge still sat mostly empty. On a side note, it has been pretty fun to visit wine stores and search through the shelves for some of the ones we tasted while traveling. So far we haven’t found many, but it’s nice opportunity to reminisce about the places we went on the trip.
After being home for a few months now, we’re been a little restless to travel again. We satisfied our need with a weekend away in the wine country just north of Santa Barbara. After a final pitstop at Andersen’s, we returned refreshed with a fully stocked wine fridge.
Here’s the iconic sign at Pea Soup Andersen’s. If you’re planning a trip on the California coast, you must stop here. You may not think much of split pea soup, but once you’ve tasted theirs you’ll be back for more.