Culture Shock
It’s time for an update on our travel plans. Our original plan for the year of travel would have had us finishing up in October. However, we feel like we needed more time in Europe, and that we just aren’t ready to face the dismal job market. We have decided to extend our trip by 3 months, so we needed to re-think our itinerary, including an “east coast swing” to visit some family and friends and re-stock our bags.
Our first stop back in the US after 9 months was Miami, and then Boca Raton to visit my aunt. We were a little surprised at how easy things are to do here. We had sort of forgotten how many huge grocery stores, drugstores, malls, and every other type of shop that there are here (and then they repeat every few blocks). Ahhhh. So convenient. And in English too. And open on Sundays! We feel spoiled by it all.
The weather was good and the water at the beach was perfectly warm. We noticed the little differences that reminded us we were in the US though. People slap on the sunscreen here, as well as hats, sunglasses, and umbrellas, much more than in Europe. Then there are the swimsuits… women over 30 all in one-piece suits, and the guys in baggy shorts. No speedos to be found.
After Florida, we headed north to Atlanta to see some of Eric’s family. We also had a nice visit at the Georgia aquarium (the world’s largest) and walked to the top Stone Mountain. Stone Mountain is a little reminiscent of Uluru in Australia, but this being America, it has a tram to the top, a souvenir stand, and a huge carving in the side.
By this time our jet lag is gone and we are catching up on all the US news and sports that we’ve missed. It’s good to be back, even if just for a few weeks.
August 30th, 2009 at 4:31 pm
Take it from me..that’s not such a bad idea..the extra 3 months off. Enjoy!