Work In Progress
We spent a few nice days in Zurich with a friend and then made the long drive to Barcelona over two days. We had more than one reason for making the trip, though, because we wanted to visit at least one place in Spain (although we soon learned we are in Catalunya), and we also wanted to see the Tour de France. It turns out that le Tour is venturing across the border this year, so our decision was made.
I have to admit that I didn’t really know much about Barcelona before we arrived, but we quickly got up to speed on it’s most famous architect, Gaudi. His apartment building, la Pedrera, captures the imagination and reminded me of a place that a Dr. Suess character might live. It’s a little strange at first, but the more I saw, the more I really like it.
You can’t come here without seeing his most famous work, the Sagrada Familia, although I don’t think anything I had seen or read prepared me for it. It’s huge, mind-bending, and surprising for me, unfinished. I had no idea that so much work is still going on. There are all sorts of craftsman hard at work, but it still seems to be a long way from complete. The parts that are done are fantastic – some are weird, some beautiful – but all really seem to evoke a strong response in everyone who sees it. I’m already looking forward to coming back in 2025 when it will supposedly get its tall bell tower.
Here’s a look at the Gaudi chimneys at la Pedrera:
July 8th, 2009 at 3:55 pm
Barcelona is one of my favorite cities. When I was studying in Germany, I spent a couple of weeks at Christmas in Barcelona, visiting a Catalonian friend of mine. Since their apartment was small, and his girlfriend was also visiting, I stayed at his uncle’s apartment in the city. The whole experience was incredible. And the Sagrada Familia is nothing that you can ever be prepared for. It is just amazing to climb around and explore the architecture. I also became a huge Gaudi fan after that trip. Have you been the the Parc Guell? Have you had tapas at 5 and paella at 11? Oh, the memories! How much longer will you be there?
July 8th, 2009 at 4:26 pm
Ah! The tapas is great – each dish better than the last. We’re only here for 2 more days – not sure I’ll get enough. Parc Guell is tomorrow morning before the Tour. Can’t wait!!