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Archive for April, 2009

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Signs, Signs

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

As the song says, there are signs everywhere in Hong Kong. I can’t actually read most of them, but the neon does make the nights seem festive. Some of the signs do have English translations, but as we’ve often found in our travels, they don’t always make things any clearer.

Here are a few of our favorites from various places on this trip and others:

From a Hong Kong menu – Is it in there or not?: “No, MSG.”

From a Hong Kong description of an organic farm – Um, whatever: “380m above sea level of clean and peace.”

On a Thai menu – I wonder what color the stop lights are: “Curry – Green, Red, or Xellow”

Sign at a beach bar in Phi Phi – I did: “Get Relaxy”

From an Indian billboard – First lesson is Spellcheck 101: “Enroll! Hotal Management School”

On an roadsign in England – Your taxes paid for this: “This sign not in use”

While searching for a place to eat last night, we saw this one (no, we didn’t eat there):


Heaps Of Sheeps

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

We spent a few days in the Bay of Islands, a coastal area north of Auckland. We went sailing in high winds and rain (more fun than it sounds, actually) and then finally decided to return to Auckland for a few days to get ready for the next part of the trip. We have plenty of errands to do before we leave NZ – haircuts, filing taxes (reminder: April 15th is not very far away!), replacing a things that have been used up, worn out, or read.

So, I don’t have much exciting travel news to post here. However, I thought I would take a few lines to mention the most populous group of New Zealanders, the sheep. They are everywhere and there are millions of them. Over 40 million according to the last count. There are only 4 million people here, so we are seriously outnumbered. A travel writer called Tony Horowitz once described part of the landscape here as “mutton.” He couldn’t have been more accurate.

After you drive around here for a while, you stop noticing them, but these guys caught our attention again. We never found out whether this was something special for Easter or just a farm having a little fun. Sorry for the picture quality, but we were in a road construction zone and couldn’t pull over.
