BootsnAll Travel Network

Raining in Rio!!

Hey Tiffany…email me your mailing address!!


Well´s raing in Rio (boooo!!!). It had to happen I guess. This is the first day of my entire trip that the rain didn´t stop in 20 mins. So it guess I had it coming. My pousada I´m staying in is so pretty. My room has an terrace and I can see monkeys and Tocounos and even Christ the Redemer in the distance.

Hopefully it will clear up because I really want to go hang glidding tomorrow. Tonight I´m going to Samba with a friend of mine in Ri0.

I didn´t take pictures because it´s so wet here but I can give you some of the island Fernand de Noronha. By the way – No I didn´t ride the horse, it´s not their only mode of transportation. They actually take off the road vehicles such as buggys off the road 🙂 They have a bus for their main road, which is the shortest in Brazil 4.3 miles. Here´s another crazy fact: Fernando de Noronha is the the smallest place in the world to have their own time zone (it´s about 7 square miles I think).

Anyway more pics…theese are all me the day I spent hiking around the beach:

Here I am…

Look at the wonderful views lyou have on the paths:

Look the P&G GO office…tropical style

Here´s dolphin rock…did you notice why??

Crazy Linzo…this one is for you. These where the guys that taught me how to body surf. They were really cool teachers. Notice the one on the left is drinking a Caprichia (sp). It´s a very stong drink made with sugar, limes and rogut (or sugercane moonshine).

Last but not least is the sunset…marvelous.

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5 responses to “Raining in Rio!!”

  1. susie.kemp says:

    Hi Candis, You’re looking good girl in your bathing suite!!!.Keep the pictures flowing!!!. Continue having fun and STAY SAFE!!!!!!!!!. LOVE YOU!!!!!

  2. Kimberlee says:

    Hey Candis! Your suit is so cute, and you look great! It is so beautiful there! Keep traveling safely! Kim

  3. Hi Candis, Those pictures are so cool, and the view is awsome, Hope you continue to have a great time, take care, see ya

  4. betty says:

    Hi Candis
    Love the pictures. The rock is in the shape of a dolphin. Take care
    and have fun.

  5. linz says:

    incredible!!!!!!! i am so glad you got to go bodysurfing…next year?! the photos are awesome, the composition is nice…and you are looking beautiful!!! love ya.

  6. Cosmos N George says:

    Wonderful pics! You look well rested!
    Continue having the best time of your life. Do some shopping in Rio. Take more pictures for us so that we can continue to have fun with you!

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