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Viva Lima!

Friday, July 11th, 2008

img_0780_2.JPGHola Todos! (Hello to All!)

Paula and I spent yesterday 7-10 wandering the streets of Lima. I´ve never had so many people try to sell something or offer in certain parts of town. My Spanish is suprising me, I´didn´t know I´d remembered so much, and I was glad I reviewed things before leaving home. 

We visited one of the big cathedrals that is popular and old. Catedral de San Francisco….ha, I´m not as far from home as I thought! Anyway, it was very interesting, even though the whole thing was not origional due to earthquakes in teh past, the hisory was interesting. Amazing painting of the last supper done in the 1600s that actually involved children and some other elements that isn´t characteristic. Anyhow, it was interesting. And there were piles of bones in this catacombs area downstairs , there had been up to 4,000 people buried in the catacombs , the basement of the parish so to speak. So, in renovating it, they had sorted all the bones in order of the body in order to count the number of folks buried there. I know there are other things that I can´t recall right now, as I´m under the gun to get back upstairs to prepare to go to Cusco this morning. (it is 6¨45 as I type.

Traveling by taxi today I am thankful for environmental rules in the US. Glad for clean air and carbon emissions standards. Waiting to cross the busy bus and car lined streets in Lima, we inhaled plenty of exhaust! Mom, this wouldn´t be a good place to live long term for your lungs! Aye! As we rode in the taxi there are also mesages in the grass along the freeway, either carved out by a mower, or colred in the grass as advertisemenets! Interesting! Saves on billboards! Cool! But, largely, Lima seems like just another big city to me, with a big mountain in part with houses crowding it and a big crucifix on top that is lit up at night. I will gladly welcome the more natural sites in Cusco!  

Well, another interesting thing is this keyboard is set up differently than ones at home- different keys in places I´m used to… so it takes longer to type!)

Paula hadn´t gotten her luggage, thankfully it finally came at eleven last night! So, we´will have a better trip now!

 I had better go! More later!

Amy 🙂

All packed- I think!

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

packing-for-peru-002.jpgpacking-for-peru-001.jpgTuesday, July 8, 2008

Holy cow, I can’t believe it! I am going to Peru in about 17 hours!

This whole journey was born out of hours drooling over the latest Trek America trip catalogue that came in the mail in November 2007. Having a very full life, teaching full time and going to grad school online to get yet another certification under my belt, trying to fit in social and family events, I really didn’t look at the catalogue in true detail until Christmas break.

I really have enjoyed traveling with Trek America, ( a Brittish-based company I traveled with last summer (2007) on a Canadian Rockies tour. On my ’06 adventure fresh in my wandering role after leaving Portland, I’d gone with one of my best friends from Oregon on our own trek to Sedona, AZ.  When she wasn’t able to travel the following summer, I had to think outside that “travel with your friends” box. Being directionally challenged, and wanting to enjoy rather than loathe my journey, I decided to give Trek a try.

Trek America was a recommendation from a friend here in California whom I hiked with in ’06. Trek has reasonably-priced tours, and since they’re based out of the UK, they attract travelers from all over. Thus, I loved the journey with their company, as I ended up meeting people from England, Denmark, Australia, France, and New Zealand.

So… in December ’07, I began thinking of where I really wanted to go this summer with Trek. Deciding it may be a while until my next big trip, I picked hiking Macchu Picchu in Peru. Trek had a few tours in that area. I love hiking, and am always up for a challenge. So, this is it! 🙂 And, it’s supposed to just be breath-takingly gorgeous. With Christian (Catholic) influences woven into its history, I thought it would be right up my alley to visit this historical place. Okay, why did I start planning in December you might ask? Well, the company needed 6 months advanced notice in order to get permits for us to hike the Inca Trail. Not sure if that’s the case always, but that’s how it was with Trek. So, that’s how it happened!

 As of today, I have packed, then repacked, and now hope I have everything, as I certainly do not have any more room to fit one more thing! (I know the guy on Monty Python said the same thing, and then exploded, so let’s just hope my luggage stays in one piece despite its stressed seams! 🙂 )

Traditionally I’m a pen and paper journaler. I love re-living trips after I return as I create scrapbook pages with photos, etc. However, this is the farthest I’ve ever gone (in relation to the distance from my home I guess), so I have to travel light. And, I’ve got to try this blogg thing. Never created my own before, so why not try it! 🙂 I know that internet cafes are around in Lima, as well as Cusco- the main cities I’ll be wandering. Thanks Gina and Steve for getting me hooked on this! 🙂

I’m traveling with my friend Paula from Belgium, whom I met on my Canada trek last summer. So, I am happy not to be out there solo. I’ve been reading about Peru, Macchu Piccu and Cusco a lot… and a good friend Gina is a few steps ahead of me in her worldwind travels, and reports that as of about a week ago, it was fairly cold on the Inca Trail. Hard to believe since it’s in the 100’s here in California. I’m gladly (at the moment) ready for the weather change. We’ll see what I say when I’m actually there on the trail! However, for those of my family and friends who worry, yes, I’ve brought several thermal shirts, pants, coat, hat and gloves. 🙂

Well, I’d better sign off… I’ll write again once in Peru! 🙂   Amy