The new job
Well it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted anything because I’ve been very busy working hard. Yesterday was the first day off I’ve had since October 6. The first weekend after the 6th was worked to make up for holiday time off during October 1-6, the second one was worked because my new bosses from the states were here, and the last one was spent visiting our operations in another province with the COO. AgFeed has acquired M2P2, the American pig farm company they were using as a joint venture partner on the western style pig farms here in China, and they have put M2P2 in charge of the western style farms here. So we’ve had a major reorganization that puts the Americans firmly in charge. At the same time, AgFeed has divided itself into 3 divisions and is making each of the divisions independent so we are working on setting ourselves up as if we are an independent company. In the long run this will make us more focused and effective but in the short term it’s creating a ton of work. Consequently, I’ve been working my butt off!
One of my biggest challenges is learning to work with the Chinese staff. One of the accountants was so bad that I fired her within the first 4 weeks I was working there full time. She wouldn’t do what I asked, did it wrong when she did do something and became smart mouthed when I asked her about almost anything. She spent most of her time surfing the net and chatting with friends on the net even when I was there in the office watching her. Finding and hiring staff has also been a big challenge. It seems the workers under 30 aren’t so motivated or reliable. Fortunately, my translator has been wonderful. She works very hard, is always there when I need her and helps me in many ways. If they were all like her, life would be great! I added some pictures of and from my office; just click on the pictures link on the right. The office is in an upscale complex that has a Wal-mart Supercenter in the basement. We are on the 24th floor.
Next weekend I’m going to Hong Kong for 1 night because I have to leave mainland China because my visa is only good for a 90 day stay at a time. I’m taking my ladyfriend with me. Even though Hong Kong is part of China and she is Chinese, she had to get a visa to go there. Hong Kong is in many ways still treated as a separate country. Most foreigners don’t need a visa to go there but Chinese do; Hong Kong has more religious freedom and more freedom of the press; and the tax system is different.
I’ll be emailing my votes to Nevada tomorrow and this is my first time to vote since I’ve been in China. They made it possible to vote via email this time. Yes, I’m legally a Nevada resident and own property there. That’s all for now! (October 31, 2010)
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