Hello World Traveller!
This is the first entry of my travel blog. I have a few other blogs that I update once in a while. You can find them here and here. The first blog is related to my general life as an expat in Prague, Czech Republic, where I moved with my Czech wife last October. The photo above is one of the most famous images of Prague, the castle. The second blog is related to food for a few reasons. First, I am an avvid cook and love discovering new foods, tastes, and cultural traditions in food. Second, as an expat in Prague, it interests me to follow the culinary journey that this country is on with respect to coming from a closed society with only their traditions in place, to a worldwide supermarket, where any taste can be found at anytime. Right now, they are somewhere in between…closer to the beginning than the end.
I decided to start this travel blog for a few reasons. First, it is a great way to keep family and friends up to date with where we have been and what we have been doing. W and I are very interested in travelling and, I think if it were possible, we would both take jobs in the travelling business in order to see more places. One can dream right? 🙂 Secondly, living in the Czech Republic, I am been able to see many amazing things all over the country and in the central region of Europe. I feel that many people that come to Czech Republic think the only thing in the country to see is Prague. People travel to the UK for a few weeks and don’t only stay in London. They know that there are amazing things to see everywhere. The same goes for France, Germany, and many other countries. However, CR has not enjoyed this type of attitude from travellers yet (although it is slowly improving), and I believe that people miss out on many very interesting aspects of European history, as well as simply seeing some truly amazing places, when they come to Prague, “czech” out the castle and bridge, have some fried cheese and a pint of beer, and then leave the country.
I will try to keep the blog as updated as possible and regularly feature different areas on the Czech Republic (sometimes even Prague!) when I have no other travel news to post. We will see where it goes, but it seems to me that you will not be the only one learning new things!
Tags: czech, Czech Republic, Prague, Travel, travelogue
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