The Other San Telmo Fair…
Attention one, attention all: You have all heard of the famous San Telmo fair. And you will all, without a doubt, attend one Sunday on your trip to Buenos Aires. Of course you will! San Telmo is one of the most beautiful neigborhoods in Buenos Aires and as far as tourists are concerned you simply have to go to say that you went. The architecture is amazing, the food and fun – spectacular.
Here’s a word to the wise however. Due to inflation and the popularity of the fair (no sources can be sited as this is travel-pro experience talking here) costs have sky-rocketed even in the past year. Something you souldn’t pay more than $20 pesos for, will have you forking out $200. Don’t be fooled, a lot of it is amazing, but a lot of it is junk from the vendor’s grandmother’s home. Still cool, don’t get me wrong.
The ‘other’ San Telmo fair is a true antiques fair. Known as Mercado de las Pulgas or, Flea market, this open air market has antique furniture and trinkets falling out of your ears. You will roam row by row of vendor’s things in complete antique-awe of how amazing it all is. Trust me!
It is located on Dorrego y Cabrera in Palermo Hollywood. Now it doesn’t have the torusity charm that old San Telmo does (ironically located in Dorrego plaza) BUT it is worth your time for you antique lovers.
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