The BA Way…
In a city of 3 million and with the greater surrounding area home to another 10 million, transportation in Buenos Aires is a huge issue. For most people in the city (many of them who don’t have a car) the use of trains, buses, taxis and the subway is the most common way to get around. It is popular to carry around a Guia’T (pictured below). These city guides have every side street and avenue well documented and is a popular reference for guests as well as locals.
A Guia’T can be picked up at almost any kiosk for no more than 4 pesos and is updated each year with new routes and bus lines. The grids on the Guia’T pages tell you which buses go where and helps you to unfold the labrynth of bus routes that exist in Buenos Aires.
For a clearer look at how exactly to get from point A to point B, you can use This site allows you to enter your destination and point of origin and in just a few clicks pumps out the best route you can use for travel.
Additionally using the SUBTE (subway) can sometimes be guess work as they often have delays and problems. Using will update you on the state of the subways before you leave your home each day.
Tags: Travel
I really like this website, I had never seen it before, it is very useful! Anyone who has visited or lived in Buenos Aires knows how challenging navigating this big city can be sometimes! InfoBAE is also a great site, you never know what is happening in the subways and although they are usually quite reliable, one delay can really set you back if you need to be getting somewhere on time. One piece of advice to give those commuting around Buenos Aires…have patience and allow lots of extra time to get to your destinations!