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View from Hotel room, Manhattan

May 9th, 2008

It’s tiny – but it’s home. And opposite the local police station. Some views from our apartment window.




Lavern Baker headstone plaque, dedication 4 May, Queens, New York

May 9th, 2008

We’ve already reported on our memorable attendance at the ceremony in Queens, New York, on Sunday 4th May to dedicate a plaque to the late rhythm-and-blues singer, Lavern Baker, who is buried in a (hitherto) unmarked grave at Maple Grove cemetery. Well, here are a few photos from the event.





Barry at the ‘Walk Of Fame’ with Thelonious Monk star, Hollywood

May 9th, 2008

Barry with Walk Of Fame Thelonious Monk Star - Hollywood


Hannah and her cool New York jumper

May 9th, 2008

Hannah and her cool New York jumper


Kathy and Joan off to the theatre – Gypsy (Gypsy Rose Lee)

May 9th, 2008

Kathy and Joan off to the theatre - Gypsy (Gypse Rose Lee)


Joey and one of those beautiful New York pizzas

May 9th, 2008



the lovely banana splits near Battery Park in New York – Gus was our wonderful waiter

May 9th, 2008

Beautiful banana splits


that Hollywood sign – our first snap to get on to the site since we’ve left home

May 9th, 2008



The Urban/Rap/Hip Hop side of NYC. (By Joey)

May 9th, 2008

From wat i thought NYC clothes were like i thought thug life belts, baggy jeenes, tupac bandanas and G-Unit jumpers, but instead every clothes shop that isnt one which just sells t-shirts which say i love new york have clothes that i can easy get in australia, even canberra! i am still waiting to go to a flea market which i think might have some kool stuff but the only one we tryed to go to closed down a while ago. As for CD shops i thought NYC would have heaps of music shops but apparently they have all been brought out by chain fast food resteraunts. There was a huge CD shop called tower records which was next to the flea market which sold lots of rare rap CDs and the types of clothes i would want, but when we w
ent out we found out that not only is the flea market gone but so is the huge CD shop. i really liked LA its a very laid back chilled place with heaps of celeberties houses, limo’s, and movie premieres. i much prefer the city more than the small upstate towns. as hannah said “we” saw steve-o and jonny knoxville but im the only one who really saw them šŸ™‚
The battery is about to die so ill finish here :P.




May 6th, 2008

The shops here are very disappointing the Manhattan Mall is smaller then the mall in Civic and there aren’t many music shops in all of new york (except this one place which is three stories high!!!!!)!!!!!! Also the streets are sort of strange it’s like one street repeated over and over again all it is, is Quicksilver shop, clothes shop of some sort then food shop after that is a fast food place and beside that on the foot path is a stall selling Pretzels, Kebabs and soft drinks then a Billabong shop….And that is just repeated over and over. So now you know what New York City looks like. šŸ™‚ HANNAH

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