BootsnAll Travel Network

auto-bio Introduction

This is the story of a farm lad born just after the war, the first wave of the Baby Boomer generation, brought up  in Brome County of  Quebec’s Eastern Townships chronicling 7 decades of his life. His experiences range from those of a mundane life of growing up on a dairy farm in the 50’s and early ‘60’s, of a sometimes rebellious youth who had a mind of his own, to in his late teens/early ‘20’s fulfilling dreams deemed farfetched at the time to feats that accomplished in the latter years that were not even thought of as possible in those days.

The beliefs of this lad switched over time from organized religion to simply being “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” the main reason he shied away from taking his business larger than a few employees.

Travel which has a real impact on his life throughout the entire narrative, takes place in Canada/US in the first half century to include the Bahamas and Cuba during the next decade, followed by a 6 month sojourn through Mexico, Central America then year long RTW upon retirement.

Independence would be the main them of this narrative as it plays a major role as the latter 3 decades of working life were as a small business owner/operator plus the majority of travel was independently sourced rather than organised tours.  Outside the box thinking and the way of doing things was also important as this square peg individual was never made to fit in societies round holes.

One consequence of this lifestyle was that there was always enough money to remain independent, affluence always alluded him which brings us to his accepting the philosophy of Reincarnation  where this individual believes himself to be a ‘mature soul’ which this excerpt describes as: “Soul 4th stage – mature

The mature soul keeps being reminded that all perspectives are valid but not necessarily correct, and that there are perspectives on perspectives on perspectives… So begins the search for a deeper truth that will ultimately lead back to oneness.”



“A Buddhist who is fully convinced of the law of Karma does not pray to another to be saved but confidently relies on him for his own emancipation. Instead of making any self-surrender, or calling on any supernatural agency, he relies on his own will power, and works incessantly for the well-being and happiness of all. This belief in Karma validates his effort and kindles his enthusiasm, because it teaches individual responsibility.”


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