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Sweet, Sweet Thailand

Wednesday, March 29th, 2006

I can’t remember the last time I’ve struggled to complete a diary entry, but whilst I’ve been trying to write about my travels in the North of Thailand my hands gone numb from writing so much. In fact I gave up eventually, promising myself I would continue on a later date. I can type on a PC for ever, so that’s what I’ll do.

My last e-mail was sent when I was in Ayyuthya, since then I have stopped off at pretty much all stops on the train visiting anything that locals and maps told me to. I’ve walked around temples dominated by monkeys, towns littered with Wats, markets oozing with copied goods, historical parks populated by decaying Buddhas and towns with nothing at all apart from expensive hotels and 7-11’s, I’ve also juggled in the Old Kings Palace with an American who does things with his balls that I can only dream of……
Anyway, I’ll talk about a few experiences before I forget them and make before I make you miss Eastenders or whatever crappy soap people watch around the world now (I’ve heard Australians don’t [or claim they don’t] actually watch Neigbours)
After I visited one of the said pointless towns, I got to the train station early in the morning to escape spending even more money on the Internet, my cheap 3rd class train was meant to take me North at 12.00pm – it didn’t arrive until 12.15pm and when I jumped into a seat (someone was sat in mine) I realised then, that I was blatantly on the wrong carriage. All the people in my carriage had white skin, not just the tourists but the rich Thais as well, instead of windowless holes, we had sealed windows. Instead of having wooden seats, we had reclining comfort, instead of having uncomfortable broken-fan heat, we had uncomfortable airconditioning-on-full cold. I had walked onto a 1st class carriage, that much was obvious. The lady next to me confirmed my suspicions by comparing the prices of our two tickets, unsurprisingly hers was 400baht more expensive than mine, we then both confirmed I was in fact sat on the wrong train. The good news was considerably fancier train was stopping at the same station as less fancier train, so it was just a case of hiding until I got there – it was scheduled to arrive 1.30 hours before my train. I travelled un-noticed for at least 45 minutes, It was only when we arrived at the first station, when the person who’s seat I was sat in showed up, I had problems. The guard checked my ticket, noticed the incorrectness of it, then requested I followed him. I followed him until I was on the station platform, then I watched him get back on the train, then watched the train disappear. So, back again in another pointless town.
I rented a motorbike when I was in Phitsanaluk to drive the 60km to Sukhothai ( a place with lots of pretty amazing ruins ), the drive there was OK – the big 3 lane highway I had to drive down was being renovated so I had dust in my eyes for a good 30km’s and had to overtake work trucks every minute, but, it was a damn site easier than driving on any road in Indonesia. I spent all day driving my bike around mega Buddhas, climbing lots of steps to stare at decapitated Buddhas and getting scared at sunset when I realised the ruins I decided to visit where deep in woods, up bumpy tracks, far away from any people. I eventually chickened out and decided to drive back. I’ve now learnt from driving that far at night on a 125cc scooter you really need a helmet with a visor, I had one of those ‘Skid lids’ and during the day i was using my sunglasses to keep the occasional flies from my eyes. Now it was pitch black, so I couldn’t use my sunglasses and my headlight attracted 90% of Thailands mosquitoes. I was driving as fast as I could to get back as quick as possible and I now know that mosquitoes hitting your face at 120km an hour hurts!! It also didn’t help that I had the dust from the road flying in my eyes, I asked everywhere for a hotel but to no avail. When I eventually arrived back in civilization I phone my girlfriend to let her know I was alive, not because she was worried, but because I was so fucking relieved I needed to tell someone.
The next time I rented a bike was in Chiang Mai, I had been looking forward to visiting Chiang Mai as I had lots of good things about it, but when I arrived I wanted to leave straight away – the foreigners easily outnumbered the Thais and every shop was advertising some kind of tour, advice, vehicle rental or selling crappy stuff in English. Not what I really want, so I met a local Thai girl who took me to rent a motorbike. My girlfriend was flying to meet me in Chiang Rai in 5 days, so I rented the bike for 4 days and set off back down south to explore it in more depth. I had no real plans on where to go, so I just followed road signs to take me to Wats, Caves or Waterfalls (that’s all there is in the North of Thailand) – On my little adventure I found a temple high on a mountain, attempted to find a waterfall but ended up on top of a hill where the ‘road’ stopped and I came face to face with lots of very confused Thai workers, I stopped off at loads of little stalls to drink Ice tea and chat with the locals, burnt my leg but got looked after by a 90 year old man who rubbed various plants onto my wound, got really, really drunk and arranged to go to some lake with lots of Thai people, but the next day, when I woke up, it was just a girl who decided to come with me – I told her my plans had changed and I was travelling a further 60km to reach another town, which, was fine with her, so I ended up driving 200km with a girl stuck on the back of my scooter! I found and chatted to real tribe-people, swam in the tallest waterfall in Thailand, stood on the highest point in Thailand.
Visiting caves in Thailand is also something worth mentioning, these caves are huge and you don’t actually have to have a guide, the first cave I wanted to visit couldn’t find the damn thing, but a crazy looking man in his wooden house offered to be my guide – he had a considerably better and bigger torch than mine and seeing as there isn’t any electricity in those places I decided to use him. The next cave I found, I arrived there at 8.00am in the morning, so no guides anywhere – I decided to go in myself using my 20p Bolivian torch, but after 5 minutes of really low natural light it started to get pitch black and my 20p wonder wasn’t actually illuminating anything. I contemplated entering the cave with just that little light, but realised how massive the other cave was and how easy I would get lost. So, again I ran away! That I think has been the 2nd time in 7months I would have really liked to have a travel buddy, but didn’t – it would have been great fun to explore a cave with no lights.

When I eventually took my bike back, the lady said I had travelled 740km (320miles), which is roughly the distance between Bangkok and Chiang Mai. Not bad for a little 125cc scooter.

The time I spent with my girlfriend in Chiang Rai was also amazing, we visited the Golden Triangle, had massages, played in waterfalls, walked in green tea fields and just relaxed together- a perfect way to wind down my travels. I am now living at my girlfriends parents house in Bangkok, I enjoy being here and I’ve always wanted to teach English so that’s what I am going to do. I also know that when I decide to travel Laos, Cambodia or Vietnam I want to learn the language a lot more and ideally buy a motorbike before I leave, for me it’s my ideal way of travelling.

Hope you are all good,


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Thailand Central – Off North

Monday, March 6th, 2006

Tiger Rob

Right, I haven’t sent a group email since Indonesia – I have travelled through the peninsular of Malaysia since then, but apart from meeting a few interesting characters nothing really interested me there. Everything was just a little tame, organised, westernised and generally mediocre. I decided to leave early and pop to Thailand for my birthday (I say pop, but it was 36 hours of constant travelling)!
I spent around 3 or 4 days in Bangkok chilling out, downloading music, watching films and doing all the things you can when you’re in a city. 
 I also left my guitar, my main travelling bag, removed 99% of my stuff, got rid of the Lonely Planet (huge guide book) and fitted it all into my small day sack. Something I wanted to do for a long time but couldn’t leave my stuff anywhere. It’s all now filling up my girlfriends house, so thanks for that Srisami family! Being able to jump on the back of motorbikes, not having to worry about multiple bags and not having to lug weight around is a god send and it’s already become beneficial as I’ve grabbed 2 free lifts off motorbike owners already. 
I first stopped off in Kananchaburi which is just a little outside Bangkok, I checked in to a guest house and rented a bike for the following day. I found the Tourist place and got myself a map then set off on a epic 150k trip to see things which look nice, my 110cc scooter did me proud, it had brakes which worked, lights, gears and everything. I found Wats, Waterfalls, Temples, Schools visited ‘The Bridge over the River Kwai’ (it’s not actually the river kwai), visited more World War 2 things and found a tiger sanctuary owned by a group of monks. The Tiger Temple, cost a few bob to get in but you actually got to touch tigers, something which I’ve wanted to do most of my life – so, I’ve got shit loads of photos of me petting huge Bengal Tigers and sitting in between them. Excellent! At night I chatted to all the locals in Thai and taught a girl how to speak English – so if you walk through Kananchaburi and hear a girl say ‘ey up mate, how’s it going’ – you know who taught her.
I’m now in Ayyuthya, after a train ride late last night with lots of drunken ‘Issan’ thais talking to me in language I couldn’t decipher – I must have agreed to something bizarre or upset them as one of the guys whilst walking past me grabbed my throat and muttered something to me. He was probabbly just in love with me, and knowing that we couldn’t communicate to each other thought it would be best to throttle me to death to save himself from the heartache of a relationship that could never be. I held my breath for a short while and he got bored and walked off.
 So, today I’ve been staring at amazing old temples all morning driving around on a push bike listening to classical music on my Ipod, my Thai is improving to the extent where I can blag security guards that I am actually Thai, and I don’t want to pay the foriegn price. It has worked once. To a very confused looking guard. “I’m Thai, I was born in Chiang Mai. My mother is Thai but my Father is English”, –‘where’s your passport’ — “I’ve left it at my house”……..OK in you go!
I’ve tried it a lot since then and I’ve received warm hearted ‘fuck offs’
Tomorrow I will head north again to see more temples probabbly……..
See ya 🙂

Keep an eye on my travels

Indonesia -The 2nd Installment

Tuesday, February 21st, 2006
Fruity Ladies   First place of relevance was Puala Nias, an Island which has been devastated by the Tsunami, then flattened again in March this year by a 7.7 earthquake. Buildings were ruined, bridges were destroyed, people's ... [Continue reading this entry]

Indonesia – The start

Saturday, January 28th, 2006
me and a bike Selamat sore! Everybody, I have to say, my first day in Indonesia sucked ass. I set-sail from Singapore at around 8.30am, it only took 1 hour to reach Indonesia's border so ... [Continue reading this entry]

Thailand (Well BKK and a few Kohs)

Wednesday, January 25th, 2006
Smile Reenes DAD! This is going to be a slightly different post than most of the previous. As most of you know, I have 2 friends from back in England (Dan and Stu) who now live in Thailand ... [Continue reading this entry]


Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Blah blah 13 hours on a plane, with 3 stops, plonked me onto this small country. Flying over Singapore to reach the airport all you seem to notice is enourmous golf courses, green as far as the eyes ... [Continue reading this entry]

New Zealand Part 2…….NYE and Rain

Thursday, January 5th, 2006
Ice Man I've tried to write about what I have done in my last week in New Zealand for sometime now. I keep on writing things specific to that day, I never finish it, for reasons I can't ... [Continue reading this entry]

New Zealand, Middle Earth, Rainville

Thursday, December 22nd, 2005
Sky Tower Good day everyone, thought I best quickly post something, just in case you all spend you Christmas holiday funds paying for detectives to find me. Which I am sure you would all do, in a heartbeat. I ... [Continue reading this entry]

Crossing the border

Sunday, December 11th, 2005
Entering a new country involves leaving another country. Crossing with meat, vegetables and other animal products is usually banned, and if you are entering a pretty security consious country like Chile then your bags will get searched. In my day ... [Continue reading this entry]

Argentina Part 3 (A visit to the Policia)

Wednesday, December 7th, 2005
Big ass drop I am in Mendoza in the fanciest internet cafe I have seen in 4 months, I have written a few emails and I think I have nearly fixed my ipod. I have just uploaded all ... [Continue reading this entry]