A very happy unbirthday, to you! To me?
Well, Charlene and I went to the Alice in Wonderland themed party where we played minigolf (no indoor croquet places). We had a great time!
Charlene and I got there early to finish up our costumes. We had to borrow a stapler from the minigolf people because my tape didn’t work to secure the spade to the stick Charlene brought. Afterwards, people were complimenting us on our costumes. We waited around for everyone to show up and were surprised that many asked to take our picture. Many a little kid was shoved in front of us. Even a little girl dressed as Alice!
One little boy, about 3 and wearing a Donald Duck costume, came up, plopped his little pumpkin basket on the ground, pulled out a chocolate and handed it to the giant half cup of tea. He couldn’t refuse! The boy kept holding it out for him until he took it. It was the most adorable moment!
Let me tell ya, it’s hard playing golf with a giant board in your way. I ended up swinging with one hand and for some reason it was my left. Afterwards, we walked around the mall and was a pproached by a guy who said his friend loves Alice in Wonderland and we should pay her a visit. Well, she worked in the Love Boutique and we made her night! She loved us.
While walking around, we ran into a person wearing a full on dragon costume in stilts and having a back end. Pretty impressive.
The slightly creepy part was was the few people who brought their video cameras along to film their kids but ended up filming all of us playing golf…