Lordy, Lordy! We have got about 2 weeks to go before we leave and he’s insulted me and where I live.
I live in Riverbend, an upper middle class neighbourhood. He lives in downtown ghettosville.
I suggested he come and pick me up since it’s kinda on the way to the airport. He says yes, as long as I pay half of the parking fee. That’s fine by me but then I have the bright idea that I should get my brother to drive us to the airport so that we don’t have to pay for parking. He says, NO he doesn’t trust leaving his car at my place!
MY PLACE!! The place where houses go for 400k+!!! Excuse me, but you are willing to park your car in the ghetto but not in front of my house?!?!?!? It’s not like you have a nice car! It’s a friggin’ 1986 Daytona for goodness sakes! Like some guy prowling my neighbourhood would take your Daytona over the beamers, mercades’, mustangs, etc in my area!
You say you think it’s safer behind a fence that’s patrolled 24/7? Think again! Do those “security guards” check every person’s registration to make sure the car they are at is the right one? NO!
I think his car is worth more stolen! Anyways, needless to say I was miffed at the implication.
I say we can just meet each other at the airport and be done with it. But a few days before departure he brings the subject up again. Can he park the car in front of my house and get a ride? … silence … y-e-s…. Oh, I changed my mind… WHAT!?!?!?! You’re either in or out. and if you are out then you should know better than to bring that back up!
I was trying to be the better person and get over it! that’s why I said yes.
*sigh* Done venting! Feels good.