Opera Attempt Deux

My family and I went to see Carmen the opera on Wednesday night. I was a little hesitant because of my first opera experience with Adam earlier this year. I think either I was tired, impatient, or the subject matter was better because Carmen was better to watch.

I don’t believe the costumes or staging was better but I did find it easier to watch and read the subtitles above the stage. They had a children’s choir performing in bits of the play too which was neat I thought. They were school children and really added to outdoor town square scenes.

I think that the actress playing Carmen wasn’t what I would have pictured for a temptress and imho she didn’t sound great. I don’t know how to describe it but there is a certain quality I like in voices… it sounds … full, like full bodied. Not nasally or empty… I know Angela’s got that certain fullness quality in her voice. Josh Groban does too. Michael Buble is great but doesn’t quite have that same amount of fullness.

Anyways, I survived the opera and it was good. I think I would like to try a comedy… HMS Pinafore anyone?

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