Melbourne Museum

in one word = RANDOM
There was an Australia Gallery and when I got there, it had “6 important highlights of Victoria’s History”.
Inside were a Neighbour’s set (soap opera shot in Melb), random information and diaramas about Melbourne streets and sewage lines, a display about a famous racehorse during the depression, a small display with items from the 1950s schoolyard and other stuff like that. It wasn’t in chronological order, or any other kind of order that I could see. very strange…

Also went to the Queen Victoria Market with Mona. It’s a very large market (at least 4 city clocks) with fresh produce and and a section with everyday stuff like souviners and other trinkets. We got there at the end of the day so all the produce vendors were yelling “one dolla! One Dolla!” Got a kilo of Carrots for 1 dollar, 2 pears for 0.60 and 5 kiwi’s for 1.00. Very cheap prices except for the avocados; they were a buck a piece.

boring stats I’m sure… but the market was cool and fun. Neat to see all the vendors rushing to try and get rid of their stock.

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