Yesterday Maryann, Charlene, Adam and I went to Fort Edmonton Park to partake in the harvest fair celebrations. We saw a number of early 1900s machinery. One trimmed the hay, one seperated the grain from the stalk, one was an automatic wood splitter. Very spiffy!
There was also a horse team pulling competition. We watched as large horse teams of 2 Clydesdales(sp?) pulling a load of over 6500lbs. Those horses are so tall!
Adam and I used a 2 person saw to cut wood. I broke the handle off while sawing! (Easily repairable) We watched as they demonstrated how to make cedar shakes. about 3000 shakes made you $2.00 back in 1888.
At the end, we spoke to one of the 1905 Edmontonians about life in Edmonton back then and living in a tent for 2 years because there weren’t enough tradespeople to build houses. They were making food for the harvest feast at the Henderson house from their tiny wood burning stove but we couldn’t stay; after 2 1/2 hours of walking our feet were done and it was raining. I recommend going to the Fort every once and awhile. It’s pretty cool.