Eddie & the Blue Mountains

I met up with Eddie last night and we had dinner with Connor at the 5.00 steak place.

Then this morning I got up at the insane time of6:30am so that I could catch the day trip to Blue Mountains with Eddie.

The area is a World Heritage listed site. The mountains are pretty but E and I both agreed they don’t compare to the Rockies. The day trip we booked covered so many places and the driver managed to squeeze in a couple of extras because we agreed to cut the time shorter on some of the other stops. Highlights include:
-A couple of waterfalls (trickles really)
-Riding the world’s steepest train (52 degree angle)
-Riding Australia’s steepest gondola
-Candy store with imported candies from around the world
-the Indiana Jones music playing on the ride down the steepest train in the world

Actually, the candies weren’t that interesting for me since a bunch of them were American imports and we get them in Canada but I did purchase a Cherry Ripe and some Strawberry Bottles (like coke bottles) originally from Belgium.

I chatted with a family from Tasmania about my new obsession with Cherry Ripe and I found a kindred spirit in the father!! he buys Costco sized packages and has one a day! By the end of the day I had their address and contact so they could show me around their fair town when I visit Taz! Australians are so friendly!

Pictures to come soon.
