And Sydney Harbour Bridge
More Asia Pictures
by Bertha on 27. Aug, 2005 in Pictures, Singapore 2005, Travel
breakfast of Malaysians: Roti and curry sauce KL Petronas twin towers (from the movie Entrapment) Hindu Temple Inside the temple
by Bertha on 27. Aug, 2005 in Australia 2005, Pictures, Travel
I just had a McOz burger for dinner. It’s got lettuce, sauteed onions, beetroot and cheese. That’ll make it the 3rd time I’ve eaten McDonald’s in a year. Gross! McDonald’s has McCafe in Asia and Australia. It’s *surprise* a cafe! This is me eating ocngee in the Malaysian McDonald’s. It’s called Ayam Goreng or something […]
Sydney Central YHA
by Bertha on 26. Aug, 2005 in Australia 2005, Travel
Took a cab to the airport with the Austrian Amin. He is a mechanical engineer that likes to travel on the cheap so he can meet people. I had 2 SGDollars left while he had about 14. We had to bum some change off people cuz if there was any sort of traffic, we wouldn’t […]
Bye Bye Singapore, Hello Kuala Lumpur
by Bertha on 21. Aug, 2005 in Travel
Kiyo and I spent about 3 hours trying to figure out if the train to KL was cheaper or the bus. Turns out, the bus stop is 15 minutes away, take 5-6 hours and 25SGD while the train is two subway stations away, 34SGD and 8 + hours!! We then went to Orchard Road to […]
S.H.I.T. an Urban Myth? Nope!
by Bertha on 20. Jun, 2005 in Travel
Apparently back in the 60s and 70s before there were many backpackers, Malaysia stamped S.H.I.T into your passport if they thought you were a “suspected hippie in transit” So apparently, I’m going to be a S.H.I.T!
Jen’s blog
by Bertha on 07. Jun, 2005 in Travel
Her european adventure!