Canadian Finals Rodeo Pics

Enjoying the show!(Doesn’t Ange look great in the cowgirl hat?!)
Friday I went to the CFR with Angela and Adam. I don’t know why it took me so long to go but it’s pretty cool to see these cowboys ride. There was this team roping event that I’d never heard of where one rider ropes a calf by the horns and the second rider ropes the back legs afterwards.
Native Hoop Dancing
During the intermission, a world hoop champion performed a spectacular dance in native costume.

There were many events, I think maybe 5(Ange, you might have to correct me on this), and the spectators beside me said that all events had equal billing but not all of them had a loud firecracker go off at the end of each competitor like the Bull Riding. I guess it’s the biggest draw.
Bull Riding

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