breakfast of Malaysians: Roti and curry sauce KL Petronas twin towers (from the movie Entrapment) Hindu Temple Inside the temple
More Asia Pictures
by Bertha on 27. Aug, 2005 in Pictures, Singapore 2005, Travel
by Bertha on 27. Aug, 2005 in Australia 2005, Pictures, Travel
I just had a McOz burger for dinner. It’s got lettuce, sauteed onions, beetroot and cheese. That’ll make it the 3rd time I’ve eaten McDonald’s in a year. Gross! McDonald’s has McCafe in Asia and Australia. It’s *surprise* a cafe! This is me eating ocngee in the Malaysian McDonald’s. It’s called Ayam Goreng or something […]
colds + address
by Bertha on 26. Aug, 2005 in About Me, Australia 2005
I think I’m coming down with one!!! *wah* I will need to sleep that off real quick. oh, and if anyone wants to send me a letter or something, I have an address forwarding thing through my agency at: Bertha Ng Locked Bag 21 Royal Exchange NSW 1225
Sydney Central YHA
by Bertha on 26. Aug, 2005 in Australia 2005, Travel
Took a cab to the airport with the Austrian Amin. He is a mechanical engineer that likes to travel on the cheap so he can meet people. I had 2 SGDollars left while he had about 14. We had to bum some change off people cuz if there was any sort of traffic, we wouldn’t […]
Singapore Movies
by Bertha on 26. Aug, 2005 in Singapore 2005
for the last day in Singapore I’ve been up over 36 hours with 2 hours of sleep. I woke up at 10am so I could vacate the bed and check out. I get to keep my luggage in a luggage storage since I am not flying out of Singapore until 12:35am. Went downstairs for breakfast […]
Last Night around town
by Bertha on 25. Aug, 2005 in Pictures, Singapore 2005
For my last full night in Singapore, I went with a bunch of people I just met in teh dorm room to a popular club Zuko where it was ladies night. Guys pay 20 and it includes 2 free drinks. Steve from Oz and some others Aussie boys I danced the night away with, Adam […]
Pictures of KL
by Bertha on 25. Aug, 2005 in Pictures, Singapore 2005
On the Hike up to the Canopy Walk Canopy Walk View from the Canopy of KL
Welcome back to European Toilets
by Bertha on 24. Aug, 2005 in Singapore 2005
*Whew* I didn’t notice the humidity difference when I left singapore but I definately noticed it when I got back into town. The humidity is way higher here. Also, squat toilets. in one word: EW. Actually, the squatties in Kl are nicer than in Taiwan or China cuz they have a garden hose with spray […]
Pictures of Singapore
by Bertha on 22. Aug, 2005 in Pictures, Singapore 2005
I’ve managed to use Kiyos fancy dancy little card reader so now I can upload a couple of pictures! W00T! Singapore sling anyone? I don’t know how to rotate pictures yet so sorry. On the gondola to Sentosa Island Yummy Chinatown food And in case you didn’t already know
hello from KL
by Bertha on 22. Aug, 2005 in Singapore 2005
I can’t belive how different singapore is compared with malaysia and it’s only about 6 hour bus ride from capital to capital. KL s way more reflective of the rest of SE Asia than singapore is. Squat toilets, crazy drivers, tons of scooters, dirty, and crowded. Yesterday it took all day to get to KL […]