Charlene had a Vertically Inclined Bday party last Friday where we got a lesson and did some top rope climbing. About half the participants hadn’t done climbing before (incl. Adam) but that didn’t stop them from trying. Our guides(?), Ed and Will, were humourous and entertaining and very watchful. We did some bouldering before they let us climb to the top.
We paired off after the initial safety lesson and I let Adam climb first while I belayed. He reached the top with no problem but had an issue with letting go so I could lower him down. BURN! I had to remind him that Charlene, Jana and I went climbing on real rock last year in Banff and that I was well versed in belaying. I got will to do a check to ease his fears.
When it was my turn, Will did our harness check and then spent at least 5 minutes instructing Adam on belaying technique. At this point, I was quite worried about HIS BELAYING!! When I reached the top (without too much struggle) I needed Will to check Adam before I dared let go!! Usually, I’m very trusting but with taking so long to learn …
We did some climbing at the Cave section. Charlene and Adam found it no trouble to hang upside down while climbing up the cave, while, as you can see, Adam and I are laughing at my struggles.