Last night I got tickets to the hockey game from my dad who couldn’t go. Adam and I went and sat in pretty good seats. (last row of lower bowl)
It was the first time Pronger was back in town after his request to transfer from Edmonton. The crowd was HARSH! Many people had signs showing their displeasure and had them removed by event staff. (“We know what you did last summer” was one of ’em) One guy, after getting his sign removed, whipped out another large sheet of posterboard and a marker and held it up for everyone to see!
Now I don’t pay attention to line changes and stuff but I definately knew when Pronger was on the ice because everyone in the arena boo-ed him every time he touched the puck. It was pretty funny to hear cheering one moment and booing the next, but I felt bad for the guy. Many cheers of “Prong-er Sucks” and “You sold out” mixed in with the typical “Let’s go Oilers, Let’s go” and there was even a combo cheer of “Let’s go Oilers, Pronger sucks!”
I personally don’t think it’s right to be so hard on him, it is his perogative to change teams and I think you should be cheering for your team, not any one particular player. Players change teams all the time.