
First night out in about a month. Went to a posh Japanese restuarant near our place called Wagamama It was good food but it sorta reminded me of that cheap Japanese place at home.(for the life of me I can’t remember what it’s called!) not that it was cheap or the decor was the same, but it was similar food on fancy dishes.
Eveline had Japanese beer for the first time. her asian food education continues… haha

Wagamama wasn’t the only place we went to. Andrea joined the two of us for a night of Tapas at Duende in Leederville. Eveline ordered a Frangellico to see if I’d like the taste, it’s very hazelnutty but still had the alcohol taste so I ended up trading her for her expensive Alvear (13.00/glass!) That stuff tastes very sweet like raisins cuz they dry the grapes out before making the wine.

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