BootsnAll Travel Network

Bear Facts

I’m a 27 year old baker (now former baker), who feels like there is more to life than workin 9-5, or 5-1 in my case. I grew up on the road and ended up going to all 50 US states and about 13 different schools, so I think vagadonding is in my blood. I also think your life should be rich in experiences and memories, not necessarily money.

In 2003, I met some Canadians in Vietnam who were teaching English there, and after a short conversation they convinced me to try it out as well. So here I am, I quit my job (of 7 years) and I’m about to leave the country until I’m ready to come back (whenever that is). I have no job, no house, no responsibilities (here in the US) and no worries to slow me down on my trip.

As of today I plan on seeing, smelling and feeling the following countries on this trip – Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Bangledesh, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tibet (even though it’s in China) and Pakistan. I may skip some and I may add some. I haven’t bought a ticket (flying stand-by), or made a reservation, and I have no itinerary. Serendipity and my guidebook will have to guide me. I’ll be updating this blog as much as possible, so feel free to comment (even if I don’t know you) and we’ll all see what happens next.


2 Responses to “Bear Facts”

  1. Dewbie Says:

    Good luck Bear! I will see you around 😉

  2. Posted from Canada Canada
  3. Dan W Says:

    Standby’s eh? What a way to travel. Sharpen up those communication skills buddy, blagging sea passage is the only way to travel 🙂

    Have a blinder!