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Archive for October, 2009

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Shopping Cart Parilla

Friday, October 16th, 2009

Shopping Cart Parilla

A few weeks ago I went to check out an apartment that I was considering moving into in Palermo Soho. I answered an add on Craigslist from a young Argentine guy who was looking to rent his extra room. Before I got a tour of the place however, he offered me some mate, which is somewhat of a national drink here in Argentina. It’s similar to tea and has an energizing effect that stimulates conversation. So, much in Argentine fashion we sat around for a few hours drinking mate and talking about music before getting to the business regarding the apartment.  Eventually he invited me to stay over for an asado (BBQ) with some friends of his.  The only catch was that his parilla (grill) happened to be a shopping cart.  Regardless, it worked just fine and we spent the night eating and drinking copious amounts of wine..