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Who burnt the toast??

December 17th, 2004

It´s amazing how the small things in life can lead to bigger things. Who´d have thought that a fire alarm one hour before we were due to leave Gatwick could cause us so much hassle. Needless to say, we never did get to Lima as planned, 24 hours after leaving a very wet and blustery London!
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Almost packed

December 15th, 2004

We’ve still got some room in our bags which can only be a good thing but very tempting to take more stuff. The tent has been neatly folded down. Eugene has waterproofed almost everything. Immodium and paracetamol are secreted in every spare pocket. I guess we’re ready to go!
All our Christmas cards and gifts have been sent out now. Our friends and family have given us some really useful things for our travels. Travel Scrabble from Hannah and Alan – thanks guys – should make a few hours go quicker on the plane -especially at my pace of play! Mil has found some amazing things – water and toothbrush-free cleaning kits being my particular favourite. It’s going to be strange being away for such a long time and we’re going to miss everyone a lot – especially over Christmas.


Pre Departure Notes

December 6th, 2004

Well, how do you plan for a trip of a lifetime? Should you plan, or not bother and just go with the flow? Surely there must be something you’ve got to do?

These were the questions we were faced with when we finally decided to give this trip a go in the summer. It had been thought about three years ago, but the time was wrong, we were wrong, and to be honest, I don’t think we’d have had the guts. Nor the great world wide web to help matters considerably.

And as a result of waiting a little while, we’re about to go on our little adventure with a helluva a lot more common sense than we had at the turn of the century. And perhaps surprisingly, a little bit more of the ‘get up and go’ approach to life. I always thought you lost that feeling as you gradually got older, you tended to become more focused on safety and thinking about tedious things such as job security, settling down, mowing the lawn, etc.

The guide books have been fantastic and amazingly contradictory in equal measure. We’ve lost count of the number of times one of us has exclaimed “this is good”, only to hear another version read from a different page in a different book saying something entirely different. But in general we wouldn’t be without our Lonely Planets, Rough Guides and Footprints, not to mention numerous others.

Learning about other adventures off the web has been an inspiration, and our friends and family have been superb in their support too. From each place there’s been some great advice and in the end the questions have been answered.

The answers?

Plan a little, make sure you know you’re stuff where it’s important and go with the flow otherwise. And be safe of course.



November 23rd, 2004

Well, this is it. These pages may fill with stories and pictures, and then again, they may not. It will all depend on just what happens…….

Those who know us will know what we’ve put into planning this adventure, and those who stumble across these pages may well find out.

A quick potted history, just in case. Em’s a Doctor, but not in the medical sense, and I’m something between a diplomat and politician in my day job. We’re both from England, married for some years, with two cats. That’s the domestic bit over anyway.

While we’re both looking forward to exploring Bolivia and Peru it’s not without a degree of trepidation. A step into the unknown, despite seeming to spend most of our time with a guide book or some other info in our hands over these last few months.

So….hopefully this will become our little guide book to life on the road in the Central Andes. Enjoy, and feel welcome to post comments!

Eug & Em
