Do you know the way to Panajachel?
Being the seasoned travellers that we are now, getting to Panajachel was going to be a doddle. Two buses and a couple of hours and we’d be there. Yeah right….
We left the hotel with our rucksacks on our backs to find the bus station in Antigua. No problem at all. And we found the bus to Chimaltenango. And we got a seat!
Thank goodness we did get a seat! At one point Eugene counted 63 people on the bus who were wedged in the narrow aisle and with half a bum on seats! We spotted one guy at the front with his machette ready in his hand – although later in the day we’ve seen many blokes carrying their work tools like this. The first leg of the journey took 45 minutes and we were glad to prize ourselves from the crowd when we reached Chimaltenango.
We found the bus stop here too. What experts! We were hurried onto the bus “to Panajachel” although various guys were trying to get us onto their bus saying it was “direct” but we went with the first one and we were off. All was going well until Eugene realised we had gone past the “left turn” to Panajachel described in the guide book. That’s right, we should have listened at the last bus stop because this was not a direct bus – where on Earth were we going?
Tags: Guatemala