BootsnAll Travel Network

whining . . . nothing but whining

So, it probably sounds retarded, but we’re not too keen on Fiji so far. I know how this sounds, but all it is (at least where we are) is beaches and sun. I’m cool with beaches and I’m cool with sun, but when you put on SPF 45 sunscreen twice a day and still get a pretty bad sunburn, I start to think maybe that’s too much sun.

            Also, the owner of the place we’re staying at is a little psychotic. He means well, I sincerely believe it, but he’s strange and overbearing and reluctant to just leave us to our own devices. I’m not five, I don’t need constant attention.

At this point, I’m not really sure why we came here. I think it’s because the flight was free.  So, yeah, it’s stupid to complain about sitting on a beach in Fiji. I know. Sorry. I’m just hot and sweaty and sunburned and some frickin’ bug bit my foot and it’s swelling up something fierce. I think if we could get off this island and go somewhere else, we might not be so unhappy, but we prepaid. I know, I know, we never should have done that. We won’t do that again. The lady that got us to prepay for the week assured us again and again that we could get a refund if we didn’t like the place we were going to, but I have my doubts. Four other people staying here got rooms that weren’t what they paid for (they paid for 2 bed dorm rooms and got a regular dorm room) and the guy wouldn’t refund their money. We’re going to call the lady that booked this for us tomorrow and see what she says. If it’s good, we’ll leave. If not, we’ll stay and suffer through another 5 days on the beach. Torture, right?

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