BootsnAll Travel Network

the best beach in the world

We’ve just arrived back in Budapest after spending the last three days on the shores of lake Balaton, in southwestern Hungary. We stayed in a town called Siofok that was a popular weekend beach destination for Austrians and Germans. It was strange, but we had more language difficulties there than anywhere else on our trip. Almost everyone spoke Hungarian and German, but English speakers were rare.

I’m willing to call the Strand at Siofok the best beach in the world because every other beach I’ve been to has been full of sand, which then gets in your swinsuit, in your hair, sticks to your legs, arms and chest and gets in your blankets and towels. There are some people who love sand on a beach, but I’ve come to regard it as a nuisance. The Strand at Siofok had no sand at all. It was a large grassy area that went right to the edge of the lake, which was a perfect temperature and stayed about 3 feet deep for maybe 500 meters from shore. We had a great time sitting in the sun and jumping in the lake when we got too sweaty.

Tonight we’re on our way to Krakow in Poland. We’ll arrive at 5 in the morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed, I’m certain, being the morning people that we are, and try to find a place to store our bags until we can check into our hostel. We’ve got 4 days in Krakow, one of which we’ll use to see Auschwitz, and other to see some salt mines that are supposed to be quite remarkable.

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6 responses to “the best beach in the world”

  1. Tony T says:

    Main Entry: beach
    Pronunciation: ‘bEch
    Function: noun
    Etymology: origin unknown
    1 : shore pebbles : SHINGLE
    2 a : a shore of a body of water covered by sand, gravel, or larger rock fragments b : a seashore area

    I am not sure what you would call a low cut grassy area next to a big body of water… According to Webster… its not a beach. 🙂

  2. Justin says:

    damn tony, you’re right when you say they don’t give you enough to do at this new job!

  3. Tony T says:

    That I you know how much I like to argue with Aaron. Makes me feel like the old days. 🙂

  4. josh says:

    one point for tony, technical foul for AARON, either way it sounds way better then OUR “beaches” my new campaign slogan… “Sand is Bland” whoop

  5. admin says:

    well tony, if you want to get technical, there were “larger rock fragments” on the shore of the lake, so it was a beach, we just weren’t sitting on it, I guess.

    ALSO: if you read the definition you put up, 2(b) says “a seashore area” which this was. so it IS a beach.

    so, no points for tony, no technical foul, and it really is just like old days. 🙂

  6. Tony T says:

    I was wonderring if you were going to catch that. Other guys didn’t. Good catch. negative points for Tony, point for Aaron. 🙂

  7. Justin says:

    damn. WHY do i miss the old days???

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