BootsnAll Travel Network

I’m free to go… Finally : )

I’m fit for airtravel… Yippee!! I’ve been excited every day since getting the news on Monday. I’m leaving on 20th August from Kuala Lumpur to New Delhi and currently my indian visa is pending approval. i’ll know on the 12th if i can get it. Its funny being a tourist in your own country! It has been both liberating and strange. Strange in a sense that some things just cant be done. Example Indian visas are not issued to “Tourists” from the Embassy of India, Singapore at all. Luckily, India knows something about flexibility, so i had an interview with an officer who at first said NO, then gradually said she’ll only give me a single entry for 1 month. But later on granted me a 6 Months Multiple Entry pending approval from my new home country, Ireland : ))) Because technically i was always a Singaporean and havent actually migrated to my home country so based on that i was made the exception to the rule.

So now the fun stuff, trying to pack whatever i need into a backpack. I am sure there will be a few trials before i get the final list of most essential items. This will be my first challenge…departing from my wardrobe and all the luxury items one takes for granted. No more hair products for me… back to basics even if my hair looks more like a lion’s mane :p


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