Reunion with a city i had called home for many years…
Tuesday, June 15th, 2010My trip to the US has been booked and i have 2 weeks before i depart. Going for 1.5 months starting 29 June 2010. Whoo hoo! I cannot tell you how happy i feel that i am finally getting this chance to go back to see all my friends; that have become more than friends..they’re family! To get to re-visit all my favourite places, Taste some real mexican food, walk down my old neighbourhood and i can’t believe i’m actually feeling this way but i’m looking forward to escaping the dreadful humidity Singapore is experiencing at the moment. The Sun Goddess can’t even tolerate the weather these days. Its a sign that i can and will get use to living in a cold country one day soon : )
9 days to go before i say goodbye to work… its been a real juggling act with work and family obligations; whilst trying to stay sane. But i’ve done it and am now on the road i’ve always envisioned for myself but had to patiently wait for. Eventhough i have some medical issues to settle before my year-long trip around Asia which makes my time of departure, if all goes well at early November 2010, i am estactic and start wait to start planning the route i’m going to take. But for now, i’m going to enjoy my trip to San Francisco, Spokane and possibly even Ecuador. Next 1.5 months is gonna be exciting. Can’t wait! See you all really soon!