The Croc Farm.. :)
On our way up to Cairns the Oz Experience gets to stop at a Croc Farm – we pulled up into the carpark – the doors opened and a guy jumps onto the bus with a snake on top of his head and a baby alligator in his hands! (for the people who had nodded off on our journey it made for a rather nasty wake-up call! haha)
Any way, we headed into the main area where they had loads of tanks with little crocs and ‘gators in as well as snakes and big gross bugs. We all took it in turns to hold the snakes and little alligators but our favourite by far was the big black cockatoo called Banksy whowould walk up your arm and then sit on our shoulders like a proper pirate parrot! He was soooo friendly and cute 🙂 He got a little too comfortable on Mikaela’s shoulder however and weed on her!!! haaaaha. gutted.
After this we went for a walk around the farm. There were loads of peacocks and kangaroos just roaming free which we fed later on but first we headed to the Cassowary enclosure. They are the largest flightless birds in the world and bloody dangerous. Next we went to see the dingo enclosure and he called for them and they came leaping right over the fence! They have been around humans for so long that they were just like any old dogs so we could stroke them and stuff (not like the ones on Fraser Island!)
There were corcs and gators EVERYWHERE. in big enclosures and then we reached the pools and the guys went in to feed them. We were literally a foot away from them with only a fence between us and thier jaws – pretty exciting stuff and it made for some great pictures. It was great fun but rained so much we actually needed the heating when we got back on the bus to dry us all out again.
It’s wierd to think that that was infact our last Oz Experience Bus journey as we have reached the top of the coast.
When we reached Cairns we checked into Gilligan’s hostel and it has been raining ever since. Will keep you updated!
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