and Finally..
It has been two weeks since we arrived home and it has been hard. The first week was pretty horrible to be honest, as much as I love my friends and family and the reunions were great, the point of calling somewhere home is that it’s stable and constant and nothing ever changes. This is exactly what has made being at home so difficult though, travelling is a world filled with new people and new places, spontanaity and freedom and having been a part of that for 5 months coming home feels tedious and constricted and like I said, nothing ever changes.
Week two has been a bit easier however, I’ve managed to get myself a new job waitressing in another restaurant so working crazy hours is keeping me occupied and the fact that I’m now earning money is definately a plus! The weather has been sunny since we got back and I finally had my hair done!.. Yet I can’t help still feeling like I’m terribly far away from somewhere I ought to be.
Holly and I often have withdrawal symptoms from not being with each other 24/7 but at least we’ve both had this experience and know that travelling is definately something we both have to look forward to in the future
So, right now it is all about making money, enjoying the British summer, keeping in touch with the great friends I’ve made abroad and preparing for University in September.
Thanks for reading.
I wouldn’t change it for the world, XXX
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