Amateur Bull Fight. San Andres, Ecuador
Monday, November 6th, 2006
It is Sunday, which means it is time to go to “the bulls,” and in preparation, many of the townspeople have become quite “borracho,” or drunk. To some degree, for this kind of thing, alcohol is requisite. Anyone can participate, but most people are content to watch. “It’s funny, but dangerous,” Sandro says over my shoulder, checking to see that I am having a good time. “Dangerous, but a lot of fun.” Sandro is the desk clerk at the hotel I live in, and he has invited me from the capital of the province to see how the country people have fun. I am in a rickety middle-ages-style wooden construct surrounding a square arena of sparse grass and mud in the pueblo San Andres, in Ecuador. I am familiar with games country people will play when they get really bored, but this is completely new.
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