we’ve landed!
Sunday, February 1st, 2009Well at last we are here! Right now I’m sitting in the Nerang Public Library using their internet for free.(You’re supposed to have a library card but the nice man let me have an hour on a courtesy card.) The timeshare internet is being upgraded so we couldn’t use it today.
Yesterday was great. The kid’s loved the flight and because it was only 3 hours long and they all had their own tv screen and food, it was very stress free. The fact that Charlotte sat in the row in front with Tim and Ashleigh had nothing to do with my relaxing flight.(hehe!)
We drove to our timeshare, swam in the pool, had an early dinner and all crashed! We were woken by the VERY loud laughing kookaburras which sent all of us into fits of laughter, only problem being that it was 4.45am! Our body clocks told us it was 7.30 so we were up and into it. The kids were even doing maths work by 7.30!(don’t worry, I know the novelty will wear off!)
We spent the rest of today looking at car salesyards, getting our bank account sorted and swimming at Surfers, where the water was so warm! The temperature has been quite bearable, 29degrees with a warm wind.
Well, I must go before the nice man tells me my time is up. I’m off to the supermarket to get supplies for dinner. It’s quite a challenge on a tight budget, food is expensive here……………….(I can almost here the girls yelling, please mum NO MORE SAUSAGES!) I’ll see what I can do, I did see some kangaroo mince yesterday!)