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we’ve landed!

Sunday, February 1st, 2009

Wheres the BagWell at last we are here! Right now I’m sitting in the Nerang Public Library using their internet for free.(You’re supposed to have a library card but the nice man let me have an hour on a courtesy card.) The timeshare internet is being upgraded so we couldn’t use it today.

Yesterday was great. The kid’s loved the flight and because it was only 3 hours long and they all had their own tv screen and food, it was very stress free. The fact that Charlotte sat in the row in front with Tim and Ashleigh had nothing to do with my relaxing flight.(hehe!)

We drove to our timeshare, swam in the pool, had an early dinner and all crashed! We were woken by the VERY loud laughing kookaburras which sent all of us into fits of laughter, only problem being that it was 4.45am! Our body clocks told us it was 7.30 so we were up and into it.  The kids were even doing maths work by 7.30!(don’t worry, I know the novelty will wear off!)

We spent the rest of today looking at car salesyards, getting our bank account sorted and swimming at Surfers, where the water was so warm! The temperature has been quite bearable, 29degrees with a warm wind.

Well, I must go before the nice man tells me my time is up. I’m off to the supermarket to get supplies for dinner. It’s quite a challenge on a tight budget, food is expensive here……………….(I can almost here the girls yelling, please mum NO MORE SAUSAGES!) I’ll see what I can do, I did see some kangaroo mince yesterday!)

2 sleeps to go!!!

Thursday, January 29th, 2009

At last we’re nearly there. After a month of camping, baching and staying with family we’re about to start our adventure.  For all of those faithful friends and family who have been regularly checking the blog, sorry there ‘s been nothing new for a while.  From now on it should get more exciting.

Goodbye to everyone that we didn’t get a chance to see or speak to.  Please e-mail us if you’d like, we’d love to keep in touch with you all. Remember we’ll be back for a couple of weeks in April before we head off to the big wide world, so we’ll catch up with some of you then.

………………… coming soon!

how do the girls feel about it?

Thursday, January 29th, 2009
by Maddie (aged 9) Guess what we're doing? We're going around the world.   Well not exactly the world, but to quite a lot of countries. There are lots of things I am  excited about and these are some of them. First of all I've ... [Continue reading this entry]

our life in a box

Wednesday, December 17th, 2008
Well....... not our life, just our stuff. It just feels like our life.The box is a storage container where we'll be keeping everything that we can't carry on our back or drag along beside us for the year.(not including our children) The last ... [Continue reading this entry]

what are we doing?

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008
We have a taken a year out of our life to travel as a family. It's something we've always thought about but about eighteen months ago we really started to try to make it happen. I clearly remember the moment ... [Continue reading this entry]

where are we heading?

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008
February to April We fly to Brisbane where we will  buy a vehicle of some sort and then pick up the caravan which has kindly been loaned to us by Steve P's parents(thanks!!). We will then camp up and down the ... [Continue reading this entry]

how are we doing it?

Saturday, December 6th, 2008
I guess this is the question we have been asked the most often. People that don't know us, like the random strangers we've got talking to at the beach, or the travel agent or bank teller to name a few ... [Continue reading this entry]