BootsnAll Travel Network

The Return

1. The San Jose Airport is full of very large, old Americans eating burger king and exclaiming things like: “Dear, when is the flight. I don’t think you’re right. Is it this gate or that.” I’m sure if I heard those things said in Spanish I would a) not totally understand, and therefore b) be less full of judgments. This airport provided me with all the culture shock I can really handle.
2. I drank water there that claimed it was from the Costa Rican rain forest. REALLY!
3. I spent more money than I have ever spent on myself at one given point. Cruzar dedos que Sta me de todo del dinero.
4. I wound up in Charlotte, North Carolina for 15 minutes, which I discovered is different than Charlottesville, West Virginia. People spoke with southern accents, so that was interesting to hear.
5. When I arrived in Chicago it was SNOWING. Not big fluffy pretty snow, but powdery whippy wind ice cold thank god my dad brought me a fleece and a jacket and a scarf and a hat and gloves. I don’t know what I’m going to do about this fact, but I will escape the winterywintery wiles very soon.
6. Irony point: I know this is a little bit lot of information, but I am currently suffering from the worst stomach upset I’ve had during my entire trip.
7. I’m home! And, soon, I’ll be on the road again…Can’t wait to continue my travels in these lovely, interesting, wild and wooly 48. (and maybe some day I’ll get to the other two.)

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One response to “The Return”

  1. tia annie says:

    25 years later I still get homesick for Chile even though I wasn’t happy there…how well I know that feeling of being home and mi corazon is somewhere else much warmer and simpler, hearing another language all around, being someone else…

    Thanks so much for sharing your adventure! Welcome home… but since you have the travel bug, I hope one day you move to Mexico or Costa Rica so I can visit 😉

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