Vivaldi as Rapscallion Repellent
Sunday, August 12th, 2007Classical music used as a weapon. Now I truly have “heard” everything.
Leaving the Reston, Virginia Town Center Multiplex at 3 AM, I was expecting to walk into the still quiet of a world asleep. Imagine my surprise to hear Vivaldi’s Four Seasons blasting out of loud speakers turned up to near earthquake levels.
As I turned in astonishment, looking for the source of the symphonic assault, a clutch of chattering kids followed me out of the emptying theater. They dispersed quickly into the night.
Now I remember. Last week I skimmed an API article reporting Tacoma, Washington officials’ experiment using Bach, Beethoven and Brahms to win “Bach” their streets. In theory, the loud music will send loiterers scattering from unfamiliar uplifting harmonies.
And now Reston seems to have taken a page out of Tacoma’s score. Whatever the efficacy of this technique, it left me with a lift in my step and spirits. I’ve always loved Vivaldi.