oh school……..
October 10th, 2005This will be a very boring entry (for any of you still reading) and is basically just a chance for me to whine about actually having to do a substantial amount of school work here;) Somehow work/Australia don’t seem to belong in the same sentence!
My October is flooded with group projects, presentations, tests and papers, as are any final weeks of a college semester. Its just so much harder to motivate yourself to get work done when you live five minutes from the beach in Australia if you can believe that;)! And as much as I’m trying to blow off school and do the bare minimum to get by, those of you who know me know that I’m attending every single class, doing the majority of the work in every group assignment and meticulously crafting every single word in all my papers;) Its just who I am;) Along with work, the internship is keeping me busy, only in the sense that I spend a lot of hours per week there. However, it has been largely disappointing becuase there is never enough work for all of us interns to do, yet I need a certain amount of total hours (meaning I cant leave) so the majority of my day I spend trying to act busy;) On a positive side, I’ve met some pretty cool people at work (both Australian and American), however, am definitely counting down the days till I am finished with it! (kind of a blessing in disguise that I started so late in the semester!)
On a more positive note, this weekend I am taking my last planned excursion during my time in Australia (not that more excursions cant be planned in the six weeks I have left!) Me and two of my roomates (Jen and Alex) and two friends I went on spring break with (Danielle and Jess) are going to Jervis Bay, which is an area on the coast of Australia where lots of Australians like to vacation. Although the trip is planned and organized by a tour group, it should be pretty relaxing and is only one night. (we leave early saturday morning, get back sunday night).
Thankfully, it is breaking up a long month for me in Australia. And though I’m still having fun and trying to make the most of my time here, its unbelievable how much harder it is to be stressing about school when you are so far away from home, family and friends. It just kinda adds insult to injury;) Yet, thanks to a productive weekend this past weekend, I managed to plow through most of the work for my big assignments, other then starting my 10 paged paper!! (WHICH I NEED TO GET STARTED ON!!!)
Hope all you college students are weathering the storm at your respective campus’ as well! And to everyone, I miss you a ton! Six weeks and counting till I make my official return to the states on Turkey day! Until then… keep sending the emails……;)!