Just another Easter at the beach
Monday, April 9th, 2007 Lucila and Stacey (yes, a picture of Stacey!)
Just another day at the beach. No, I (Jesse) do not normally get up at 5 a.m. but then I do not normally have a rooster crowing outside my bedroom window either. Actually, there are 2 roosters, 8 hens and 2 ducks. This is our first overnight stay at our host family’s beach home. We attended Spanish classes yesterday morning, as usual. Then we gathered at the house. The family was busy getting the provisions necessary to feed everyone over the next couple of days. Their beach home is about a half hour outside the city and the last 20 minutes is on a dirt road that runs about 300 feet from, and parallel to, the waters’ edge. No stores out this way so, we carry in all the provisions we will need. Diana, from Oregon, and also a student at Femka’s school had visited the house a couple of days earlier and was invited to join us. Last time we crammed six adults, the driver and one child into a taxi. This time we had one more person and, thankfully, we took 2 taxis. Cost of taxi was 250 cordobas or about 14 dollars.
This is our 3rd time to the beach and this is the first time there was a police roadblock at the entrance of the beach road. Because it is Easter weekend everyone goes to the beach. The roadblock is to pay for the additional police presence. Our [read on]