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Archive for February, 2008

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This must be California

Thursday, February 7th, 2008

O.K., Here I am back in the San Francisco Bay area. I guess it’s nice to be around familiar faces and places once again, but at the the same time I feel that I left a part of me in South America. I decided to return at this time to kind of prepare for my next adventure, which was to have been a 2 year commitment with the Peace Corps in Africa. When I write Africa ,what I mean is Kenya. Unfortunately, due to the current situation they decided it was best to rescind my invitation. I can say that I am a little bumbed since I have been looking forward to serving there since I found out about it 2 months ago. Now I will just sit and wait until they give me another assignment. I can use this time to reflect on the past 4 months of travel. Prior to Ecuador and Peru I traveled to Europe for a couple of months and saw so many interesting things that now I can learn more about some of the places I visited. I can say that I truly loved Germany , with it’s beautiful landscape and architecture. Italy, with it’s ruins and especially Sicily, where I met the nicest people and got to see The Valley of The Temples in Agrigento. I also found Pompeii and Herculaneum interesting as well. Croatia and Slovenia were two places that also left a lasting impression on me. But I have to say that Spain , particularly Barcelona, was probably the highlite of my trip to Europe. It was the one place I visited where I could have unpacked my bag with the intention of not using it for quite a while. I am sure that it’s a city that will play a part in my future travels. And speaking of future travels, I have this part of me that is already placing socks, shirts, and various items in their little spaces inside my backpack for my next adventure,even if only in my mind, for travel seems to agree with me in a way that is beyond my ability to put into words. But at this time I will just do my planning which is also fun. Who knows, If my P.C. assignment doesn’t  happen soon, then maybe Africa is still a go. Just not Kenya. With that , I will sign-off and head to do some reading about Morocco.